IBPS RRB Office Assistants

IBPS RRB Office Assistants Cut Off 2024

IBPS releases the IBPS RRB Office Assistants Cut-Off for Prelims & Mains examination along with the particular stage score card. The candidates have to score more than the cut off marks to get qualified for the next stage of the selection process. The final merit list will be decided as per the main cut-off marks. The state-wise cut-off & category-wise mains IBPS RRB Office Assistants Cut Off for the previous year have been provided in this article for your reference. The candidates can check IBPS RRB Office Assistants Prelims & Mains Cut-off for Office Assistant Exam from the below section.

IBPS RRB Office Assistants Cut-off is divided into 2 sections: Prelims & Mains and the cut off marks for Mains is counted as the final cut off marks as there is no interview round for Office Assistant posts. The IBPS RRB Office Assistants Cut off marks for Prelims & Mains will be released along with its IBPS RRB Score cards and the same shall be updated here.

IBPS RRB Office Assistants Previous Year Cut-Off

The previous year’s cut-off marks help plan a strategy for preparing for the upcoming IBPS RRB Exams as the aspirants can predict cut-off marks for the upcoming banking exams. The cut-off marks depend on various factors including the difficulty level of exam, vacancies released, and the number of applicants. Check the previous year’s cut-off marks for boosting your preparation.

IBPS RRB Office Assistants Prelims Cut Off 2023

IBPS RRB Office Assistants Score Card 2023 along with IBPS RRB Office Assistants Prelims Cut Off 2023 has been released state-wise. IBPS RRB Office Assistants Prelims Cut Off 2023 is released along with the score card. RRB Office Assistants Prelims Cut Off is released category-wise and state-wise on the candidate’s score card.

State/UT General OBC/SC/EWS
Andhra Pradesh 54 OBC- 54
Assam 65.75 SC- 61.25
Bihar 68.25 OBC- 68.25
EWS 68.25
Chhattisgarh 67.25 OBC- 67.25
Gujarat 70.25
Haryana 75.25
Himachal Pradesh 73.75 OBC- 71
ESM 50.75
Jammu & Kashmir SC- 60
Karnataka 68.5
Madhya Pradesh 72.50 OBC- 72.50
SC 69.25
Maharashtra 71.25
Odisha SC- 67
Rajasthan 75.25 OBC- 53.75
Telangana 61
Tripura 69.50
Uttar Pradesh 74.25 OBC- 74.25
West Bengal 73.75 SC- 71
IBPS RRB Office Assistants Mains Cut Off 2023

IBPS RRB Office Assistants Mains Cut Off 2023 has been released along with IBPS RRB Office Assistants Mains Result 2023. RRB Office Assistants Mains/Final Cut Off is released category-wise and state-wise. As the final cut-off marks are released officially and we have also updated the same here state-wise. This year, the minimum score for IBPS RRB Office Assistants Mains Exam was 49.91 and the maximum score is 59.31. The complete state-wise and category-wise IBPS RRB Office Assistants Mains/Final Cut Off 2023 can be checked from the below section.

Minimum Scores (Online Mains Examination Out of 100)

RRB Office Assistants Mains/Final Cut Off 2023- Minimum Marks
State/UT SC ST OBC EWS General
Andhra Pradesh 49.91 45.53 55.50 53.94 56.72
Arunachal Pradesh 42.88 49.88
Assam 44.38 45 49.63 50.47 56
Bihar 41.72 31.32 55.63 56.38 57.60
Chhattisgarh 47.47 43.50 52.50 56.35
Gujarat 50.88 53.60 58.85
Haryana 50.10 56.53 57.69 61.03
Himachal Pradesh 49.75 51.38 52.78 58.63 61.78
Jammu & Kashmir 51 41.85 53.94 49.72 57.63
Jharkhand 45.78 48.50 57.10 54.63 59.94
Karnataka 46.69 44.69 52.53 51.66 55.60
Kerala 42.19 34.63 55.19 44.50 59.25
Madhya Pradesh 48.38 43.94 58.35 57.88 59.07
Maharashtra 56.22 44.53 58.47 56.91 60.07
Manipur 40.72 60.85 61.69
Meghalaya 42 48.03 50
Mizoram 35.22 34.13 41.88
Nagaland 51.69 54.07
Odisha 45 39.94 59.69 54.72 62.88
Puducherry 44.35 58.44 48.19 58.47
Punjab 49.69 53.75 57.88 61.03
Rajasthan 50.13 49.19 59.60 58.75 62.66
Tamil Nadu 50.88 50.47 59.69 48.41 60.41
Telangana 45.38 45.57 52.50 47.22 53.60
Tripura 51.28 41.25 51.41 58.63
Uttar Pradesh 47.50 45.53 54.53 57.28 60.32
Uttarakhand 47.60 47 52.38 56.60 60.85
West Bengal 49.38 42.41 50.94 53.10 58.47

Maximum Scores (Online Main Examination out of 100)

RRB Office Assistants Mains/Final Cut Off 2023- Maximum Marks
State/UT SC ST OBC EWS General
Andhra Pradesh 59.32 53.25 63.91 60.35 69
Arunachal Pradesh 47.07 59.78
Assam 55.66 52.22 61.57 55.91 66.16
Bihar 54.75 45.53 60.63 60.60 69.25
Chhattisgarh 57.19 55.50 56.19 71.16
Gujarat 60.66 58.75 68.63
Haryana 63 62.38 60.94 73.82
Himachal Pradesh 56.16 71.91 61.22 60.75 69.47
Jammu & Kashmir 57.22 46.25 57.66 57.69 69.19
Jharkhand 51.38 50.35 59.91 58.69 68.60
Karnataka 56.57 52.03 60.28 60.82 69.96
Kerala 60.03 53.41 61.47 57.07 71.38
Madhya Pradesh 58.28 60.72 60.63 60.97 68.72
Maharashtra 63.38 55.82 67.91 62.07 74.82
Manipur 51.44 60.85 62.53
Meghalaya 49.69 48.03 59.28
Mizoram 49.72 34.13 63.13
Nagaland 51.69 55.50
Odisha 58.32 52.82 62.75 62.57 68.35
Puducherry 44.35 62.63 48.19 63.10
Punjab 62 61.03 60.97 72.47
Rajasthan 59.35 56.97 63.22 62.60 73.13
Tamil Nadu 63.85 51.28 68.94 57.28 72.47
Telangana 55.75 53.03 62.41 55.94 66.35
Tripura 58.44 55.32 55.53 66.82
Uttar Pradesh 69.19 56.75 60.44 60.32 73.85
Uttarakhand 58.44 51.19 60.10 60.72 70.16
West Bengal 59.13 52.03 64.50 64.03 76.07
IBPS RRB Office Assistants Prelims Cut Off 2022
State/UT General SC ST OBC EWS
Andhra Pradesh 71 ST- 67.75
Assam 64.25 SC- 61.75 ST- 61.75 OBC- 61.75
Bihar 70 SC- 63 OBC- 70
Chhattisgarh ST- 56 OBC- 67.25
Gujarat 72.75 SC- 71.50 ST- 68
Haryana 75.50 SC- 70.50 OBC- 75.50
Himachal Pradesh 72.25
Jammu & Kashmir 64.50
Jharkhand 72.25 ST- 66.75 OBC- 72.25
Karnataka 67.25 ST- 65 OBC- 67.25
Kerala 76
Madhya Pradesh 70.25 ST- 64.25 OBC- 70.25
Maharashtra 68.25 SC- 68.25 OBC- 68.25
Manipur 62.75
Odisha 77 77
Punjab 75.25
Rajasthan 75 SC- 71.50 ST- 66.75 OBC- 75
Tamil Nadu 61.25 OBC- 68
Telangana 61.5 ST- 61.50 OBC- 61.25
Tripura 67 ST- 55
Uttar Pradesh 76.50 OBC- 76 76.50
Uttarakhand 75.50 OBC- 70.75
West Bengal 74.75 OBC- 71.25 72.25
IBPS RRB Office Assistants Prelims Cut Off 2021

Based on the Prelims exam held on 08th & 14th August 2021, here is the IBPS RRB Office Assistants prelims cut-off 2021. Let’s have a look at the RRB Office Assistants 2021 Prelims Cut-Off State-wise for General (UR), OBC EWS categories.

State/UT General OBC EWS
Andhra Pradesh 69.25 69.25 69.25
Assam 71
Bihar 73 73
Chhattisgarh 71
Gujarat 76.75 76.75
Haryana 75.75
Himachal Pradesh 74.25
Jammu & Kashmir 72
Jharkhand 76.25 76.25
Karnataka 70.75 70.75
Kerala 77
Madhya Pradesh 73.75 73.75
Maharashtra 72.75 72.75
Odisha 78.5
Punjab 76.5
Rajasthan 76.75 76.75
Tamil Nadu 70.5 70.5
Telangana 69 69 69
Tripura 61.5
Uttar Pradesh 76.5 76.5 76.5
Uttarakhand 77.5
West Bengal 75.75
IBPS RRB Office Assistants Mains/Final Cut Off 2021

The mains and final cut-off for IBPS RRB Office Assistants 2021 exam have been released on 01st January 2022 along with the final result. The state-wise expected cut-off list for IBPS RRB 2021 Clerk mains exam has been updated here. IBPS RRB Office Assistants Mains Exam 2021 was conducted on 17 October 2021 and the result has been released on 01st January 2022 along with cut-off marks for provisional allotment. The IBPS RRB Office Assistants Final Cut off marks or Mains cut off marks have been updated in this article You can check IBPS RRB Office Assistants Mains, Prelims Cut-Off and previous year Cut-Off which are given below.

RRB Office Assistants Mains/Final Cut Off 2021- Maximum Marks
State/UT SC ST OBC EWS General
Andhra Pradesh 63.19 62.72 69.16 66.13 79.69
Assam 60.50 58.22 60.35 60.97 73.57
Bihar 64.16 57.16 70.03 65.10 75.85
Chhattisgarh 60.03 46.91 NA 59.00 78.60
Gujarat 60.60 52.85 62.69 61.38 74.28
Haryana 77.97 NA 65.50 65.82 80.35
Himachal Pradesh 66.07 59.44 64.35 69.47 74.63
Jammu & Kashmir 60.91 54.72 60.94 65.07 71.19
Jharkhand 57.78 50.94 62.41 62.57 74.25
Karnataka 59.88 59.85 62.07 60.97 74.35
Kerala 67.50 49.03 67.03 71.85 78.00
Madhya Pradesh 62.00 63.16 64.60 65.66 70.19
Maharashtra 62.00 55.50 67.25 64.44 76.32
Manipur NA 55.03 63.19 NA 64.03
Meghalaya NA 52.50 40.91 NA 58.57
Mizoram NA 56.94 40.60 NA 56.50
Nagaland NA 51.82 NA NA NA
Odisha 69.28 60.16 64.57 64.38 69.85
Puducherry 63.00 NA 62.57 NA 70.91
Punjab 63.91 NA 67.00 66.94 75.91
Rajasthan 69.16 68.03 66.25 63.75 73.53
Tamil Nadu 65.63 49.66 71.85 63.88 76.25
Telangana 61.35 60.75 67.97 62.28 80.88
Tripura 57.35 56.00 NA 54.32 68.53
Uttar Pradesh 69.97 54.44 68.16 64.66 77.47
Uttarakhand 53.97 53.22 63.41 73.85 75.72
West Bengal 64.07 56.63 67.91 64.60 77.25
RRB Office Assistants Mains/Final Cut-Off 2021- Minimum Marks
State/UT SC ST OBC EWS General
Andhra Pradesh 53.03 47.85 61.85 60.35 62.97
Arunachal Pradesh NA 42.91 NA NA 50.50
Assam 51.88 47.44 54.75 55.78 60.97
Bihar 43.97 41.53 57.88 60.69 62.32
Chhattisgarh 48.25 39.91 NA 53.47 60.22
Gujarat 57.13 42.72 58.50 59.53 63.00
Haryana 50.85 NA 58.03 61.94 65.94
Himachal Pradesh 51.44 50.03 54.50 58.69 66.32
Jammu & Kashmir 49.47 38.38 48.35 54.00 61.35
Jharkhand 44.94 44.16 58.50 60.53 64.88
Karnataka 51.25 44.32 57.28 57.16 60.85
Kerala 52.32 41.44 60.72 53.82 64.50
Madhya Pradesh 50.00 43.32 59.13 61.10 63.22
Maharashtra 57.78 41.44 59.75 58.69 62.72
Manipur NA 55.03 59.60 NA 59.60
Meghalaya NA 47.66 40.91 NA 49.57
Mizoram NA 48.22 40.60 NA 49.85
Nagaland NA 51.22 NA NA NA
Odisha 51.19 44.47 63.32 60.75 64.72
Puducherry 51.41 NA 58.25 NA 53.19
Punjab 51.16 NA 59.85 64.72 67.03
Rajasthan 49.97 47.69 60.69 60.60 64.35
Tamil Nadu 54.88 46.91 65.03 54.82 66.10
Telangana 52.19 51.22 60.28 57.78 62.22
Tripura 53.44 35.25 NA 51.10 58.50
Uttar Pradesh 50.72 42.13 56.25 60.10 64.72
Uttarakhand 49.72 53.22 55.94 62.50 67.60
West Bengal 55.13 49.57 55.00 56.91 64.28